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Passionate & Dedicated
Passionate about the husbandry and breeding of true Altum angelfish, we believe Shoreline Aquatics is the only American producer of healthy, high quality, captive raised stock.
We are dedicated to conservation by producing an alternative to wild Pterophyllum Altum, which is imported with disregard to extremely high mortality rates in captivity.
Due to the decreasing habitats of many of our worlds plants and animal species, we are now making a push to produce Pterophyllum Altum angelfishes spawned from wild stock. Our goal is to preserve these fishes in our hobby for as long as we can by offering angelfishes as they would appear in the wild. Pterophyllum Altum from different catch locations have slight variances that make each population unique. Going forward, we hope to capture these traits as close as we can by not cross breeding different populations as we have done in the past.
Since maintaining wild Pterophyllum Altum angelfishes is extremely problematic. We highly suggest purchasing healthy, much easier to care for, captive bred Altum.

-Shoreline Aquatics, formed in 2017, is a family business that proudly produces high quality fish in small quantities. We are located in Shoreline, Washington.
" It is not only the genetic quality of the breeding pair; but the environment they live in, how it is maintained, the types and variety of foods offered, that, ulimately determine how strong, healthy and beautiful their offspring are." - Thomas Lai-Fook
This philosophy has not only led us the the successful propogation of real PterophyllumAltum angelfish, but, also shines through in the quality of all of the fishes that we produce.
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